Bangladesh is a densely populated country. Most of the population of this country has to depend on agriculture for their livelihood. Moreover, the population is still growing fast. So the agriculture sector will have to face a lot of challenges in the near future. The major challenges are given below:
- The cultivable land, water and climatic gifts are decreasing every day, but the population is increasing. So agricultural productivity has to be increased for the growing vast population by making proper use of limited resources. The maintenance of land quality and overall environment after increasing production will be a big challenge for Bangladesh in near future.
- The productivity of Bangladesh is low compared to other developed countries both in crop and non-crop sectors. The farm level productivity can be increased through technical improvement and yield gap can be reduced thorough effective extension services. But the proper technology is not coming due to lack of budgetary allocations for research facilities and incentives to scientists. So, budget should be increased for research and extension for the development of agriculture in this country.
- Agriculture is now in semi-commercial level. In the era of globalization, it should be concentrated on the needs as the farmers can take part in the international market by growing high value crops. For this, they have to give better access to credit, insurance facility and other agricultural services timely. Ensuring these facilities might a challenge in Bangladesh.
- Bangladesh is now a self-sufficient country in rice production. This status is achieved by stimulating the production growth of rice over the last few years. It is anticipated that although the availability of inputs like land and water is decreasing with time, but the production of rice will have to be increased in future due to increased population. The trend of increasing rice production will be difficult to retain without the suitable technology with extra high yielding varieties.
- Crop diversification by high value crops is becoming popular day by day. The value of high value fruits and vegetables is certainly high. But the future of these crops will be better, when there will be sufficient appropriate technology and developed market infrastructure.
- The young generation are not interested enough to build a carrier with farming. Again the number of agricultural labor is declining every day. So farm mechanization is necessary to continue the agricultural work which can help to reduce production cost in the world of labor scarcity. It would be a great challenge for the Bangladesh to develop various agricultural technologies which are easy to use and versatile.
- The socioeconomic status of most of the farmers in Bangladesh are not good. It has a great impact on the adoption of technologies. Because there is a significant yield gap between farmers field and research field. For the dissemination of technologies, improving the socioeconomic status is a major challenge.
- The climate is changing negatively which is very alarming for Bangladesh according to the opinion of national and international experts. The sea level is rising every day due to adverse climatic conditions. As a result, a significant portion of coastal area will go down under water permanently. A large number of people have to move from their place and the salinity will spread to the nearby places. The drought, desertification and scarcity of groundwater will be seen in the northern area of the country due to low rainfall. Although Bangladesh has a low contribution to the greenhouse gas emission, the country is the worst sufferer of the impacts of climate change. As the mitigation of the impact of climate change is beyond the control of Bangladesh, it is very difficult to manage the impacts by developing adaptation measures.
The challenges of agriculture sector is increasing with time. If we cannot overcome these challenges, the agriculture sector of this country will be very much affected. As a result, food security will be in danger. So, Bangladesh has to take necessary measures to mitigate the challenges in time.