Thursday, November 16, 2017

Problems of Agriculture sector in Bangladesh

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Agriculture is one of the most important factor in the economy of Bangladesh. Although the share of agriculture in GDP is declining day by day, but it is still a great source of employment in Bangladesh. New technology is coming frequently which help to enrich agriculture. Although the technology has advanced, the problems and challenges of agriculture sector in Bangladesh are not solved yet. This sector has to face so many problems every day which act as a barrier for the development of this sector. The problems of this sector in Bangladesh are discussed below:
1. The cultivable land is decreasing gradually in this country which is one of the major problems of this sector. A greater portion of agricultural land is being used every year by the rapidly growing population for their housing and other needs.
2. Any economic sector will be developed only, when there is a long term planned investment. But such type of investment is very rare in agriculture from both public and private sector.
3. There are many technologies in agriculture which are developed by the research organization, but most of them are still unknown to the farmers.
4. The nature is still the main factor of agriculture in Bangladesh. As a result, the crops are sometimes damaged by the sudden negative nature and the farmers cannot harvest the crop according to their expectations.
5. The land of this country is continuously divided into many pieces due to inheritance complexity. The management of small land is somewhat difficult as many types of weed can grow in the border of that land.
6. The soil health is deteriorating day by day due to heavy pressure and injudicious use of chemical fertilizers. It is also considered a major problem of agriculture.
7. Poverty is still prevailing in this country which is a problem of agriculture. Because the poor farmers cannot invest required money for growing crop due to lack of capital. As a result, they don’t get the expected yield from the crops.
8. The marketing system of agricultural products is not developed at a level in which farmers can get the fair price of their commodities. As a result, the farmers loss their interest to grow crops.
9. Most of the agricultural products are perishable which requires safe and modern storing services.
10. Another problem of agriculture is low productivity in Bangladesh. This is due to the lack of inadequate modern technologies, high yielding varieties and proper agricultural knowledge.
11. Lack of irrigation facilities is one of the major problems in Bangladesh. Although, Bangladesh is advancing a lot towards irrigation, a greater part of land still remains fallow due to lack of irrigation.
12. Lack of agricultural credit supply is also a great problem in this sector. Moreover, there is no insurance facility in agriculture.
Agriculture plays an important role for the development of economy in Bangladesh. It is not only contributing to the GDP but also providing employment for most of the people, especially poor of this country. But, it has to face a lot of problems every day. If we want to ensure food security and other needs, we all have to come forward from our position for mitigating the problems as this sector can give more contribution to the development of Bangladesh.
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